Sunday, August 22, 2010

How did you tell your spouse you were pregnant?

How did you tell your partner that you were pregnant? How long until you announced it? How did it go? How did you tell your spouse you were pregnant?
I woke him at 4 in the morning and showed him the test, he was really happy! he fell back asleep holding the test. HAHAHA!How did you tell your spouse you were pregnant?
I kind of blurted it out. I had suspected for a week while I was away on business so when I got home I rushed and took a HPT. When it said positive I sat down next to him and told him I was pregnant.

He was really cute. He kept saying it was amazing and then told me he had to buy me a present. He told me to get into the car and he drove me to an electronics shop (he never told me where we were going or what he was going to buy because he apparently hadn't thought it thru himself:)). He walked into the shop and bought the first LCD TV he could find without even thinking.

It was really funny at the time as we had no intention of buying a new TV at all seeing as we already had 2 in the house.

The shock has since worn out and he is now a happy dad to be...
I'm waiting until I can confirm my pregnancy then I'm going to go over, we're going to sit down, I'm gonna look him straight in the eyes and say, ';*insert name here* I'm pregnant'; Then, he'll freak out for about 3-5 days, then, I'll go back over and discuss what we need to do to better our situation. TADA!! YAY!! Congrats.
He was having a bad day and I pretended to go to the store and pick up some of his favorite food. When I got home, I told him that I hadn't really been to the store and that I brought him something better. I then told him to close his eyes and hold out his hand. I put the positive test in his hand. He was thrilled and we went out to dinner to celebrate.
I peed on this stick in the upstairs toilet and then went running down the stairs waving the stick around, I'm sure I splashed wee on him! He was shocked but happy. It was not planned so we were both a little bit wide eyed for a few days. All good now though :)
Well he was with me when someone suggested to me that I might be! But as each hpt came out positive he just kept giggling! It was a total nervous reaction but it was so funny! Calmed me down a bit! I was 5 weeks.
He came home from work and laid down. I went over to him and he asked how my doc. apt. went, I was sick with cold, and I told him we were pregnant. He hugged me and we cried. =]
okay i told him i was pregnant then i said im getting an abortion becuz i rlly rlly hate kids and im very young you know im only 13 and i dont want kiidsss!
I just called him and told him I took an hpt and it was positive. Nothing fancy, but he was very excited nonetheless.
I just simply said, ';I'm pregnant, we're having a baby'; and I told him as soon as I saw him after I found out myself. He was ecstatic!
I called him at work and told him as soon as I found out. I then called my family. I didn't announce it per se. It was good news all around.
He kept telling me I was pregnant. So, I took a test, called him and was like ';I hate it when you're right!';
My fiance was with me the time i took the test he was over the moon!! He started jumping on the bed and broke it haha!! xx

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